
Do you like Piña Coladas... and getting caught in the rain?

I like the rain. There is something incredibly refreshing about the rain. It is also the perfect opportunity to capture some wonderful splashes of color and interesting shapes. These shots were taken through the window of a car.


Fernando Jácomo said...

very beautyfull

chumly said...

Nice photo's right down to the punk duck. Thanks for sharing them.

xmlblog said...

Love the new look

Michael Pancier Photography said...

works of art Jen. love the 1st two

Jim Crotty said...

Great series of images. Beautiful captures of rain. You're very talented.

Anonymous said...

great shots ,

the art of a gifted eye and that means /God blessed!
Wrote to your Msn email but it came back??! It was regard to a shoot I will be doing and if you would be interested would be people ,day and night shots in Orlando. /fell free to email me

regards John

Unknown said...

Beautiful lady, stunning pictures, sweet rain and soulful music. It doesn't get any better. Jenny, thanks for the moment. Just sitting in Iraq having thoughts of home.

Shokran (thank you)